Temujin Ura

"The Mountains never forget, and neither do I.."


Name: Temujin Ura
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Age: 28
Height: 8'0 fulms
Eyes: Pink, serpentine like eyes, with golden limbal rings
Languages: Old Auri (and his own tribes language), Common Eorzean, Doman, and Hingan
Sexuality: Heterosexual Poly/Bisexual(female lean)
Birthplace: Azim Steppe
Occupation: Goldsmith, smuggler, mercenary, body guard, and former bartender at Tamasha
Aether: Large Aether pool, Earth aspected, and dense. During combat or extremely high levels of stress his aether causes his scales to change, resembling Onyx, becoming much harder and more rugged. It covers most of his body acting as armor, he just recently gained the ability to control it.
Personality: Reserved, neat freak, loyal, kind, somewhat easily flustered, cautious, petty, vindictive, creative, passionate
Voice Claim


Born in the deep mountains of the Azim Steppe, Temujin's family and tribe were experienced and well established miners. After generations of living in the mountains not only were their bodies used to the harsh climate and low amount of oxygen, but they were able to make use of the natural resources around them to survive. Generations of trading countless, ores, rocks, and minerals with other tribes, Temujin's great grandparents decided to venture out towards Doma for better business opportunities. Once establishing a strong connection in Doma, it became a second home for Temujin's family, as the Doman language, and culture was eventually passed down as well as the art of crafting jewelry and goldsmithing. A foreign merchant eventually took a liking to them, and proposed a strange deal. He wanted them to search for a specific type of ore, very difficult to find any where else, and in return he would help cure the ailments that inflicted his mother at the time, as his parents were trying to conceive unsuccessfully. Being desperate his parents agreed, and they eventually were able to get what he wanted, and a year later Temujin was born.Unfortunately their happiness, and Temujin's childhood was cut short as the Buduga tribe attacked a few years later, as his father instructed his brother to take the both of them to Doma where they stayed for sometime. Temujin's uncle, Arik, was able to use his connection from Doma to move to Kugane where he would eventually start his own business. At this time Temujin would join a dojo and learn the way of the sword while also working with his uncle before eventually moving to Ul'dah where they would call home. Years would go by as Arik's business would expand significantly, as well as his dealings with the underground being more frequent. Temujin, eventually getting dragged into doing Arik's dirty work for him, smuggling items, and people, as well as being his security. However, after learning about Arik's involvement in the Buduga attack one day by accident, everything changed. After confronting him in rage about the past, Temujin was quickly taken into custody by the Brass Blades and imprisoned for a few months. After regaining his freedom, he searched for Arik immediately but was unable to find his whereabouts. It was as if he vanished, there were no traces of him left.

Plot Hooks

  • Are you another Au'ra from the Steppe? Or someone who calls Doma/Hingashi home? He would love to talk to you.

  • Do you also have a passion for goldsmithing or jewelry? Perhaps you need to commission some jewelry done by someone you can trust.

  • Someone with a keen eye, or aethersense, may notice some abnormalities that could warrant question.

  • Although he is not proud of it, he does get his hands dirty from time to time in order to survive. You may have heard or seen him if you are criminally inclined taking odd jobs, and in return asking information about his uncle. He's stepped back from the mercenary life but may be tempted to if there is information about his uncle.

  • Like to throw down and spar? So does he!

Hello there and thank you for checking out my character and reading through my carrd! I am a 29 year old who's been playing FFXIV since storm blood, however I've just only dipped my toes into FF rp not too long ago so please bear with me. If you are interested in RPing with my character please let me know, or we can discuss things ooc and see where things go from there (please be at least 18+ IC AND OOC). Combat can be discussed as needed, but it will always be through /roll. As always, whatever is said or done IC stays in IC, I am not Temujin. I would also like to refrain from godmodding, OC death, (I am fine with minor injuries, but communicate with me beforehand) and any fetishization of my character. I'm okay with all kinds of rp, and a mirror poster(although I prefer multi-para rp). If you would like to take our rp over to discord, I would happily oblige once I get to know you some more!